배추김치 How to make cabbage Kimchi


  1. 2 Napa cabbage 배추 2 통
  2. White Asian radish(1.5 pound)  무
  3. 5 heads of green onion 쪽파
  4. two cups of coarse salt(kosher salt) 굵은 소금 (Natural premium sea salt for Kimchi)
  5. 10 cups of water 물
  6. 1 and a half cup of red pepper powder 고춧가루 (Korean red pepper powder)
  7. 2 Tbs of sugar 설탕
  8. 3/4 cup of fish sauce 멸치액젓 (Korean anchovy sauce)
  9. 3 Tbs of shrimp sauce 새우젓
  10. 2 cups of sticky rice / 2 cups of water 찹쌀가루 / 물
  11. 3/4 cups of minced garlic 마늘
  12. 2 Tbs of minced ginger 생강



  1. Mix 2 cups of coarse salt in 10 cups of water in a big bowl, melt it well.  Cut cabbages in 4 pieces. You can cut second cuts all the way or just for the head like the third picture.
  2. Put cabbages into the salted water and spread a little more coarse salt on the head which is the thickest part. Leave it for 8 hours. (After 4 hours, switch the top cabbage with the bottom cabbage. )
  3. After 8 hours, take them out from the water, rinse them a couple of times and drain at least for 2 hours.
  4. Mix 2 cups of sticky rice powder with 2 cups of water in a small pot and heat it to boil. When it starts boiling, turn it down the heat to low-medium heat and keep stir so it is not chunky.  Keep stirring for 3-4 minutes and remove it from the stove and leave it so it gets cool down.




  1. Slice white radish, mix red pepper powder. And mix all together with the sticky rice powder mix, fish sauce, sugar, shrimp sauce, garlic and ginger and add it into radish and pepper powder bowl.
  2. Stuff the mix into the cabbage each leaf. Put more radish mix in the head because head parts are thicker.
  3. Wrap the cabbage well with the last leaf(the outside leaf) and put it in the container. You should pack it on the top of the container. If your container is too big, then use fermentation weights.
  4. Leave the container in a normal temperature area for 3 days. After 3 days, put the container in the refrigerator. 7 days later, you can enjoy!


[Food] 삼겹살과 제육볶음 Sam Gyeop Ssal and spicy pork belly

image from : http://blog.naver.com/ahj9808/220289192035

Do you know what kind of meet Koreans love the most?  It is Pork belly which is called 삼겹살(Sam Gyeop Ssal).  When we eat 삼겹살, we wrap it with lettuce and put some garlic and green pepper with some sauce(쌈장 : Ssam Jang, seasoned bean paste).

image from : https://vegan8korean.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/ssam-bap-recipe/

My favorite part of grilling 삼겹살 is grilled 김치(Kimchi).  If you put 김치 surrounded 삼겹살, when you cook pork belly, it turns brown and sooooooooooooo delicious!!!

image from : http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=143&aid=0002009149

I also make 제육볶음 very often.  제육볶음 is marinated pork belly.  It is spicy because there is 고추장(red pepper paste).  Here is the recipe.


삼겹살 1lb,
고추장 (red pepper paste) 2 daddy spoons,
고춧가루 (red pepper powder) 1 daddy spoon,
설탕 (sugar) 1.5 daddy spoons,
소주 (soju) 1 daddy spoon,
다진마늘 (minced garlic) 1 daddy spoon,
후추 (black pepper) 0.5 baby spoon,
간장 (soy sauce) 2 daddy spoons,
참기름 (sesame oil) 1 mommy spoon,
깨 (sesame seeds) 2 mommy spoons
a half of 양파 (yellow onion)
파 (green onion)

1. Put 고추장, 고춧가루, 설탕, 다진마늘, 후추, 참기름, 깨 into a bowl with pork belly and mix them well.  And wait 1 hour.

2. Heat up a pan (no oil) with high heat and put the meat and vegetables together.

3. When it is done, eat it with 상추(lettuce) or 꺳잎[깬닙] (sesame leaves, perilla) .

오이 김치 Cucumber Kimchi


*My favorite Kimchi is cucumber Kimchi, especially in the summer.

Few months ago, I bought a bag of cucumbers from a Korean market and made my first cucumber Kimchi.  It was very easy!!!!!


You need,

1. cucumbers  오이 

2. chives  부추

3. red pepper flakes 고춧가루 (Korean red pepper powder)

4. anchovy sauce or shrimp sauce  멸치액젓 또는 새우젓 (Korean anchovy sauce)

5. garlic, onions, green onions, carrots, sugar, salt  마늘, 양파, 파, 당근, 설탕, 소금


1. Cut cucumbers 2.5 ~ 3 inches and cut each piece like the picture. BUT, don’t cut them all the way down, just cut 2/3 so you can put chives stuffing inside of each cucumber piece. IMG_1013.JPG


2. Boil water with lots of salt(I put two cups).

3. When it starts boiling, turn off the stove and put those little cucumbers into the hot water.


4. Wait one hour.

5. While you are waiting, you can make chives stuffing.  Cut chives 2 inches, slice onions and carrots.  And Mix veges with a cup of red pepper flakes, a big spoon of fish sauce, a big spoon of minced garlic, a small spoon of sugar and a small spoon of salt.  You can taste it now.  If you like spicy, you can put more red pepper flakes.




6. Rescue those cucumbers from salty hot water and drain the water.

7. Put the stuffing into each cucumber piece.  It is kinda BORING………

8. This is a very important part!!  Put them in a jar or a Tupperware, fill up the container as much as possible.  It is not good if there is lots of space.  Old Koreans used to put them into a jar and put a big rock on the top of the jar, so it can press cucumbers.





9. I left that Kimchi container outside for two days and then put it into refrigerator because I thought that would help the process of fermentation.  We do that for cabbage Kimchi!!!!  But my mom said I should have put it into refrigerator after I made that.  Anyway, you have to wait for few days.


It was delicious~~~~~~~~
Crunch, juicy, spicy, stinky(of course!) 

I eat them almost every meal right now.  Am I the happiest girl in the whole world?  🙂


Do Koreans eat Kimchi everyday?

Do Koreans eat Kimchi everyday?


Yes, we do!  We eat them for every meal!  Kimchi is the most important side dish for a meal.  The most famous Kimchi is cabbage Kimchi(배추김치), but there are lots of different Kimchis such as radish Kimchi(깍두기), water Kimchi(물김치), cucumber Kimchi(오이김치), mustard leaves Kimchi(갓김치).  There are over 200 kinds of Kimchi in Korea.

배추김치 Cabbage Kimchi


깍두기 Radish Kimchi
물김치 Water Kimchi

Sometimes, I just eat several kinds of Kimchi and rice without other side dishes for my meals.

We normally make Kimchi in the winter, because cabbages are good in the winter. We say this “김장하다(to make Kimchi)” or “김치를 담그다(to make Kimchi)”.  If there are 4 people in a family, they will buy about 40 cabbages when they make Kimchi.

It is not an easy process!  We cut cabbages in a half or in a quarter and put them into a salt water for 6 hours.  Then, take them out and drain them.  While the cabbages are drained, we make 김치 속(Kimchi seasoning) with radish, anchovy sauce, red pepper powder, garlic, ginger, green onion and a little bit of sugar.  And then put the seasoning into the cabbage for every leaf.

Most Korean families recently have a Kimchi refrigerator(김치 냉장고) which keeps the certain temperature and contains a lot of Kimchi.  Yes, we have two refrigerators.  Because Kimchi is fermenting, it STINKS!!!!!  So you don’t want to open your refrigerator too often if there is a jar of Kimchi in your refrigerator. 🙂


I usually make Kimchi fried rice(김치볶음밥).  It is very easy!  You can make it too!

1. Cut Kimchi in small pieces and fry 5 mins with a little bit of oil.

2. If you want, you can put onions or mushrooms and fry them with Kimchi.

3. Fry an egg on an another pan. ( I usually scramble my egg and mix with fried Kimchi because I don’t want to do dishes!!)

4. Put a bowl of rice and pour some Kimchi juice or Gochu-jang(red pepper sauce).

5. Fry them until they gets crispy!!!

김치볶음밥 Kimchi fried rice


Are you ready?